Congratulations Ashley Starling and Snow! Winner of our 1st Annual Sunsouth Zero-turn Mower raffle fundraiser giveaway held on July 3rd 2021. Ashley won the John Deere Z355R Zero-Turn and 4 Year Warranty.
Thank You 5th Grade Students of Abbeville Christian Academy and Ms. Emily Wilkinson for the wonderful donation of Cat and Dog food supplies. We will put all of this to a Great cause....All of us at Safe Haven Animal Rescue and Kennels!


SHARK will be having a yard sale on December 11th and 12th from 7 am until 1 pm.
It will be located at our new home 205 Industrial Park Road in Abbeville AL.
We will have some Christmas items, household items, and clothes. Come out and enjoy a Christmas cookie with us.
SHARK wins 1st Place in the 2020 Henry County Scarecrow Contest - Cruella de Vil and her poor little puppies really stole the show....!

All creatures great and small the Good Lord made them all.
You along with your beloved pets are invited to take part in "The Blessing of the Animals" on Sunday, October 4th at 2:00 p.m. at the Safe Haven Animal Rescue and Kennels on 205 Industrial Park Road in Abbeville AL.
Randy Greene, the pastor of Abbeville United Methodist Church will administer the blessings. Please have dogs on leads and smaller pets in carriers for their safety.
The purpose of this service is to bless the animals and to express that all life matters and to remind us of the teachings of Christ which include gentleness, kindness, and love.
Let us also remember animals who help humankind in many ways as companions, therapy animals, guide dogs, assist animals, service animals, detection dogs, search and rescue, and K9s.
The latest raffle held July 1st for the Traeger Pro Series Grill, Yeti Cooler, July 4th Picnic Basket with over $100 Inside, and an Electric Ice Cream Maker was another big success. We sold $2,490 in raffle tickets.
The winners were picked by our “ticket masters” Jason (3 years old) and Matthew (6 years old) who are all pictured here and posted with their permissions –
Leigh – won the Traeger Pro Series Grill
Mike – won the Yeti Cooler
Martha – won the July 4th Picnic Basket
Charlene – won the Electric Ice Cream Maker
A Big Thank You to All who made this Fun and a Success!!!
the Facebook Live Video Here –

Our May 2nd Traeger Pro Series Smoker Grill raffle was a huge success. Thanks to the citizens of Abbeville, Henry County, and lots of calling and phone pressure by our awesome volunteers, SHARK raised $2,641 in raffle ticket sales.
Ms. Sarah Williams of Abbeville is the winner of that Traeger Grill. Our little, 5 year old friend Mathew drew the winning ticket and holds it here for the reveal!
Watch the Facebook Live Video Here –
Based on the popularity of this Grill, SHARK will have another raffle for giveaway on July 2nd – Just in time for your July 4th Grilling party. This raffle will have 3 Chances To Win – We’re giving away 1 each of the following –
• Another Smoker Grill
• An Electric Ice Cream Machine
• A Premium Cooler
Keep your eyes peeled for more information coming soon!