About Us
SHARK’s Elected Officers (2 year term):
- Gordon East - President
- Maribeth Herndon - Vice President
- Ginger Webster - Secretary
Adoption Center Director - Krista Kennedy
Originally founded in 2008, Safe Haven Animal Rescue and Kennels began with volunteers taking animals to their homes for care and then finding them forever homes on their own. The organization grew and moved to a remote location on leased county land near the landfill with a 15-dog capacity. In late 2019, we acquired a new site located within the city limits of Abbeville, AL, and started the work of clearing and building 3 new kennel houses with a total capacity of 48.
Safe Haven ARK is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit organization and a “No-Kill” facility. Won’t you help us keep it going?
Please follow this link and learn more.
No-Kill Shelter/Rescue is an animal shelter that does not kill healthy or treatable animals even when the shelter is full, reserving euthanasia for terminally ill animals or those considered dangerous to public safety. We’ll use many strategies to promote our shelter animals; to expanding its resources using volunteers, fostering, housing, and medical protocols; and to work actively to lower the number of homeless animals entering the shelter system.